Monday, October 5, 2009

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's Off To Montana We Go!

Ahh a few moments to sit and check the e-mails, catch up on a few blogs, and of course do the myspace slash facebook thing. It won't be like this for the rest of the day or tomorrow for that matter. Lots to do and I really shouldn't be procrastinating about it but oh well. I'm a HUGE procrastinator. If you've been reading me for long, you know that. I can't help it I work better under pressure...

So Hannah's birthday party on Saturday went well. A few friends decided not to pay attention to the whole RSVP thing on the invite. I had ordered food for them just in case and bought the extra goody bags and goodies needed to cover all my guests only to find 4 of them hadn't shown up. Greeeat...Other than that it was good. Hannah got lots of goodies and gifts and was very excited to bring them home and spend two hours in her room completely destroying it but alas, having loads of fun. I hated cleaning my room when I was younger and now I'm back to cleaning up toys again. I'm trying to get her in the habit of picking up her toys before bed but she likes to sit and play and get distracted and then push bedtime farther away so it's not really working well. I have found though that I'm going to have to buy an animal net. That in itself would safe me a ton of cleaning. Ugh cleaning....

So now I get to spend today and tomorrow packing for our very anticipated trip to Montana. I'm pumped. I do miss the trees and mountains. North Dakota is very flat and pretty plain during most of the year I will admit. I still find it beautiful but thinking about Montana and gazing up around at the mountains and trees was gorgeous and makes my heart ache a little. I know Abel is very homesick as well so this is a much needed trip :) I love traveling.
So if you don't hear from me for about a week, have a great week ahead of time and I will make sure to blog when I get back. A few pictures as well. Until then!


Claudya Martinez said...

Enjoy the beauty!

Gucci Mama said...

I hope you guys have a fabulous trip!

Justine said...

Ooh girl, have a safe and FABULOUS trip! Please, take lots of pictures! I wanna see first-hand what Montana is really like!

Justine :o )

Little Ms Blogger said...

What's up with people not RSVP'ng. It's annoying and rude. I wonder if they knew you were going to buy extra stuff if they would have called.